Lock-free FIF0 Queues
29 November 2023
I’ve recently been using lock-free FIFO (first-in first-out) queues quite a lot. I thought I’d share some of what I’ve learnt in case it can give someone else a head-start.
Let’s start with an overview of things we might want to consider first:
- Are we just dealing with a single-producer (SP) thread passing data to a single-consumer (SC) thread? In other words, is only ever one thread calling Push() and another one thread calling Pop()? If so, the solution is quite simple.
- Do we have multiple-producers (MP) or multiple-consumers (MC)? Do we really need both consuming and producing to be lock-free? Would wrapping either the Push() or Pop() of a SPSC queue with a mutex be sufficient?
- This kind of data structure has some drawbacks. The most common one is that we will most likely be dealing with a fixed-size buffer: the queue will have a maximum capacity.
The simplest design that I’ve found for a SPSC queue is from the paper “Correct and Efficient Bounded FIFO Queues by Nhat Minh Lê, Adrien Guatto, Albert Cohen, Antoniu Pop”. It includes an implementation using C11 atomics of an improved version of an Lamport’s queue (from an older paper). It also proposes a faster version called WeakRB that might be worth looking at. For now, let’s just take a look at the improved Lamport’s queue because it’s incredibly simple. The underlying data structure is fixed-size ring-buffer.
atomic_size_t front;
size_t pfront;
atomic_size_t back;
size_t cback;
T data[SIZE];
static inline void init() {
atomic_init(front, 0);
atomic_init(back, 0);
pfront = cback = 0;
static inline bool push(T elem) {
size_t b, f;
b = atomic_load_explicit(&back, memory_order_relaxed);
f = atomic_load_explicit(&front, memory_order_acquire);
if ((b + 1) % SIZE == f) return false;
data[b] = elem;
atomic_store_explicit(&back, (b + 1) % SIZE, memory_order_release);
return true;
static inline bool pop(T *elem) {
size_t b, f;
b = atomic_load_explicit(&back, memory_order_relaxed);
f = atomic_load_explicit(&front, memory_order_acquire);
if (b == f) return false;
*elem = data[b];
atomic_store_explicit(&front, (f + 1) % SIZE, memory_order_release);
return true;
It would be very simple to translate this into C++11 using std::atomic if needed: C11 and C++ use the same atomics model.
I’ve found this algorithm pop up a few times in the wild:
If multiple-producers or multiple-consumers are needed I would suggest that the first thing to consider would be to use a mutex to ensure that only one thread can push or pop simultaneously. Have a look at how the Crown game engine does this. However, mutexes introduce the potential of calling into the kernal and performing a proper block operation; though it’s worth remembering that modern mutex implementations can often avoid doing this - they perform atomic operations in user-space before deciding if a syscall is needed (see glibc pthread for example). That being said, any potential for blocking might not be acceptable if there you have very strict real-time requirements. If you to go down the lock-free MPMC route, have a look at these links:
- FreeBSD buf_ring.h
- The Book of Gehn - Lock-Free Queue
- Loki lock-free queue library
- Correct and Efficient Work-Stealing for Weak Memory Models
On a slightly unrelated note, here’s a link to a neat-trick regarding read/write indexes of a ring buffer: Juho Snellman’s Weblog - I’ve been writing ring buffers wrong all these years.
And finally a note to myself mostly: try to just solve the problem at hand - what exactly is needed for your current problem? Is a generic abstraction needed or will something specific but simple suffice?